Heart of Dixie

Current location: Atlanta, GA

When you think of the South, you probably think of down-home cookin’, country music, and that distinct Southern style of speech that only makes sense to other Southerners.

And when I say that, I ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie.

And yet, a true telltale mark of the South is… weather. For most of the year, it’s hot here. I mean fry an egg on the sidewalk, flies drop in mid-flight hot. And humid. Seriously – they don’t call it ‘Hotlanta’ for nothin’.

But not so this past week. It happened to be cold. People were unprepared.

Me: Dude, it’s freezing. You need some gloves.
Southerner: Nah, it won’t last long. Where’re my flip-flops?
Me: Bless your heart.

But they’re right. It doesn’t last long. Cold and hot, it goes back and forth and back and forth and… you get the idea.

So maybe one telltale mark of the South isn’t really the weather, after all. Maybe it’s the way we leave our flip-flops and sandals by the door, right beside our winter boots.

Because hey, this here is the Deep South we’re talkin’ ‘bout. The cold ain’t gon’ last.

Today, high of 55°.

Now where did I leave my flip-flops?

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